The Canadian Area Code Database NPA NXX, Commercial Edition is a telco data product + postal codes which provides a list of all active area codes and prefixes - NPA/NXX. It includes accurate Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time information.
Users would include call centers, webmasters, fraud detection specialists looking to validate area code to zip code. Also great for data validation, rate center lookups, line type lookups
Our Canadian Area Code Database NPA NXX, Commercial Edition is put into row and column format for easy use and manipulation. The area Code files are available in the following formats: comma-separated values, fixed-width format, and tab-delimited format. All formats are included with your purchase, and they can be imported into most databases and spreadsheets.
When you order online from ZIP Code Download there's no need to wait for the mail. You'll receive The Canadian Area Code Database NPA NXX, Commercial Edition immediately. Our products are available for download only, which allows us to keep our prices low and pass the savings on to you. The data will be available in your account for 30 days after your purchase (unless you purchase an annual subscription). They can be downloaded on any computer with internet access.
Product Features & BenefitsUncompressed Disk Space
Comma-separated Version -45.2 MB
Tab-delimited Version -45.2 MB
Fixed-Width Version - 56.4 MB
WinZip or another similar PKzip archive extraction utility.
Field | Data Type | Description |
PostalCode | char(6) | 6-digit (+1 space) postal representing a geographic delivery route. |
ProvinceAbbr | varchar(2) | The two-letter abbreviation for the province name. |
Area Code | varchar(16) | In our USA 5-digit Premium Edition database, the area code listed is the primary or foremost area code for each ZIP Code.In our Commercial Edition databases (both the USA and Canada), if multiple area codes belong to one postal code, all area codes are listed and delimited by a slash (/) character. |
Time Zone | varchar(16) | The time zone to which that ZIP Code belongs. Only the primary time zone is listed for each ZIP Code. |
DST | bit | The daylight savings time flag indicates if a particular ZIP Code obeys, or, in other words adjusts their clocks forward and back with the seasons. This information is particularly useful to determine time in other time zones with areas that may or may not use daylight savings time - for example, Arizona, Hawaii, and, of all places - Indiana. |
NPA | varchar(3) | Number plan area (Area Code) |
NXX | varchar(3) | Three digit prefix or Exchange code |
Company | varchar(250) | Full Company Name NPA-NXX is assigned to. |
OCN | varchar(5) | Operating Company Number |
Rate Center | varchar(150) | 10 character abbreviation for the Rate Center in which the code is assigned |
Status | varchar(50) | Showing the status of a particular NPA-NXX. |
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